Standardized integration and modularity 

Without standardization, the integration of new machines into existing lines or the replacement of a machine results in costly adaptations. A consistent standardization approach for horizontal and vertical integration enables plug-and-produce based on standardized interfaces such as PROFINET, OPC UA or Companion Specifications. This allows you to produce earlier and save costs. A modular machine concept reduces complexity, error rate, and integration time.

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Line integration with OPC UA 


OPC UA and its companion specifications enable fast and cost-effective line integration with high scalability, fault-free commissioning, and a fast factory acceptance test. Thanks to the internationally defined OPC UA companion specifications, you benefit from the line integration of standardized data interfaces and status models – allowing you, for example, to easily adapt machine interfaces and reuse modules for different plants.

Modular production with Module Type Package (MTP)


The basic structure of your plant is fixed. All other components or technical actors are building blocks. Depending on what you want to produce, modules are added or disconnected and put into operation. These modules can always rearrange and configure themselves - depending on the demand. And, all this without having to reprogram the processes or install drivers. The required data and information are always available. This principle is also called Plug & Produce.

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